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Learn essential keyboarding skills or improve overall typing efficiency!

Latest Version Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing

macOS 10.13 High Sierra or later

Updated June 25, 2023
Author Mavis Beacon
Category Desktop Enhancements
License Freeware
Language English
Download 52


Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing for Mac is the best typing tutor software for macOS ever made. The improved user interface, updated learning tools, and ever more features make it the most comprehensive typing tutor that guarantees typing improvements in a very short time.

Whether you want to learn essential keyboarding skills or improve overall typing efficiency, Mavis Beacon Deluxe for macOS will guide you step-by-step on your road to success! Improve speed and accuracy with detailed assessments, customized lessons, and skill-building games.

In addition to Mavis Beacon's personal typing instruction, detailed reports illustrate overall progress and assist in identifying specific strengths and weaknesses. Powerful learning tools, along with this detailed reporting will help typists excel at their own pace. Hard work is rewarded with "recess time" and certificates of completion. Cool tools such as "import your own MP3 files" and fun arcade-style games enrich the learning experience.

Redesigned with advanced technology and updated with even more features, Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Platinum 20 offers typists of all skill levels and ages a brand new learning experience with greater benefits and increased efficiency.

Features and Highlights
  • Learn essential keyboarding skills or improve overall typing efficiency
  • 430 Personalized lessons, exercises, and tests
  • Detailed tracking and progress reporting
  • 16 Arcade-style games, including multi-level games
  • Type in English, Spanish and French
  • Choose from new music options or import your own MP3 files and type to your own tunes
  • Hybrid - Works with Microsoft Vista and macOS Universal certified

If you are looking for Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing for Mac an alternative, we recommend you to download Tux Typing for Mac.

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Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing June 25, 2023 175 MB