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Version Adobe Digital Editions 4.5.12

Mac OS X 10.7 or later

Updated August 28, 2023
Author Adobe Systems Inc
Category Office and Business Tools
License Freeware
Language English
Download 150


Most major publishers use Adobe Digital Editions for Mac (ADE) to proof-read their books. Download this free eReader to experience your books in the most optimum format across PC, Mac, tablets, or mobile devices. Use it to download and purchase digital content, which can be read both online and offline. Experience a new ease-of-use as the books you purchase appear automatically across all the devices you have ADE on. Adobe Digital Editions for macOS is Amazing!

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ADE is ranked among the best EPUB3 readers by The support for EPUB 3 standard allows you a richer reading experience, including: rendering of audio and video content; support for the right to left reading; dynamic image resizing without loss in clarity, interactive quizzes, better rendering of math formulas, and huge improvements in support for assistive technologies.

Adobe Digital Editions can be used with various screen readers, including JAWS, Window-eyes, and NVDA in Windows, and Voiceover on macOS.

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Previous versions More »

4.5.12 August 28, 2023 27 MB 4.5.11 June 25, 2023 24.7 MB