Additional Information
Uninstall apps on Mac without leaving any trace of them!
Latest Version | App Cleaner & Uninstaller 8.4.3 |
Requirements |
Mac OS X 10.11 or later |
Updated | November 20, 2024 |
Author | Nektony |
Category | Cleaning and Tweaking |
License | Trial |
Language | English |
Download | 2562 |
Launch App Cleaner & Uninstaller for macOS
It will scan all your apps, extensions and startup programs.
Find unneeded programs from the list
Switch to the Expert mode and select all unneeded items.
Click to uninstall
Confirm the removal. Nothing gets deleted without your confirmation.
The application cleaner helps you to easily delete apps on Mac without giving its service files a chance to remain. Delete Caches, Delete Application Support files and Delete Preference files.
Check your Mac for traces of previously removed apps that remain on the disk when you drag & drop applications into the Trash. Find and delete all leftovers, remains and broken service files to free up your disk space!
Manage file associations on macOS and select apps with which you want to open specific file types. There is no easier way to force an association between a file type and an application than by using App Cleaner & Uninstaller.
- Change startup programs
- Disable unneeded launch agents and system daemons
- Turn off or even remove login items
- Remove macOS install files
- Remove browser extensions
- Clean up Screen savers
- Manage Preference Panes
- Remove Internet Plugins
- Uninstall Mac Widgets
Each time you drag and drop apps into the Trash, the uninstaller will check apps for complete cleanup and detect their leftovers. It will remind you with a smart notification to remove leftovers as well. Use one-click uninstalling mode or switch to the Expert mode whenever you want to see apps service files in details and take control of them.
Note: 7-day evaluation period.