Additional Information

Your games in one place! Connect with friends and shop for digital games!

Latest Version Blizzard Desktop

Mac OS X 10.10 or later

Updated June 25, 2023
Author Blizzard Entertainment
Category Desktop Enhancements
License Freeware
Language English
Download 98


The Blizzard Desktop app for Mac installs, patches, and launches all Blizzard games from one application. You can also access the Blizzard Shop, as well as News on all of the games from the program. Battle net Desktop program for macOS is an Internet-based online gaming, social networking, digital distribution, and digital rights management platform developed by Blizzard Entertainment. The Blizzard Battlenet desktop app replaces previous game launchers. The app will also act as your gateway to future Blizzard games.

Blizzard Entertainment® is a premier developer and publisher of entertainment software. After establishing the Blizzard Entertainment label in 1994, the company quickly became one of the most popular and well-respected makers of computer games. By focusing on creating well-designed, highly enjoyable entertainment experiences, Blizzard Entertainment has maintained an unparalleled reputation for quality since its inception.

As long as the app is running, it will download and install available patches in the background. The app will only patch one game at a time, and you can manually pause or continue patching in the app. You can also disable auto-patching in the app’s Options menu. You can only log in to the app on one computer at a time.

Features and Highlights

Play your games
Your Blizzard games are easily accessible so you can quickly jump in and start playing. When you’re not playing, the app automatically updates each game to the latest version.

Discover new adventures
Curious about a game you don’t have installed? Give it a try right from its game tab. Most Blizzard games are free to try!

Stay up to date with the latest news
The Battlenet desktop app also has curated news about Blizzard games, events, merchandise, and more – so you never miss out on what’s new at Blizzard.

Customize your profile
Your profile is a snapshot of your activity and interests, even outside Blizzard games. Choose an avatar to put a public face on your BattleTag.

Find new friends and see what they’re playing
It’s easy to find and add new friends using the app. When you’re friends, you can see at a glance what they’re up to - so you’ll know when to jump into a game, or when to get one going yourself.

Chat with friends
Your Blizzard friends are just a click away whether you’re in a game or just have the app open. You can also chat on the go with the mobile app.

Jump into voice chat
The built-in voice chat makes it easy to keep a group coordinated when you’re playing together, and easy to keep together if you move to another game.

Participate in Blizzard Groups
Blizzard Groups give you a home on Battlenet to connect with friends and other players. They make it easy to discuss strategies, set up playtime, or just hang out and chat.

The best place to get digital Blizzard games
Purchase new games and expansions directly from the app. You’re only a few clicks away from your next adventure.

Buy in-game items quickly and easily
The Shop is also where you’ll find in-game items such as loot boxes, pets, mounts, and more.

Exchange digital gifts with friends
Send and receive digital games and in-game items right from the app.

Games you can download for free in Battle.Net:
  • World of Warcraft
  • Diablo III
  • StarCraft II
  • Hearthstone
  • Heroes of the Storm
  • Overwatch
  • Destiny 2
  • StarCraft Anthology
  • Blackthorne
  • The Lost Vikings
  • Rock N' Roll Racing
  • And much more!

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Blizzard Desktop June 25, 2023 3.2 MB