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DrJava is a lightweight development environment for writing Java programs

Latest Version DrJava 20140826 r5761

Mac OS X

Updated June 25, 2023
Author JavaPLT group
Category Developer Tools
License Open Source
Language English
Download 46


DrJava for Mac is a lightweight development environment for writing Java programs. It is designed primarily for students, providing an intuitive interface and the ability to interactively evaluate Java code. It also includes powerful features for more advanced users. The tool is available for free under the BSD License, and it is under active development by the JavaPLT group at Rice University.

DrJava requires a Java 2 v1.4 or later virtual machine. (Note: The JDK, not the JRE, must be installed to have access to compilation in the app.) If you need to download a JVM, we recommend Sun's JDK 5.0 for Solaris, Linux and Windows. Other users should use the Java virtual machine that comes with their operating system (including macOS).

Also, DrJava for macOS uses two Java Virtual Machines (one for the main program, and one for the Interactions Pane) that use Java's Remote Method Invocation (RMI) to communicate with each other. RMI uses TCP/IP as the default transport mechanism, so you must have those drivers installed. Without TCP/IP, Dr Java will not start properly.

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DrJava 20140826 r5761 June 25, 2023 11.56 MB