Additional Information

Designed to make faxing for Mac simple and accessible!

Latest Version iFax

macOS 10.12 Sierra or later

Updated June 25, 2023
Author Amplify Ventures Ltd.
Category Office and Business Tools
License Freeware
Language English
Download 34


iFax for Mac allows you to send and receive faxes online from any device, as easily as sending an email, and far more securely. Sync your fax records and fax numbers online and from any device. 256-bit SSL end to end encryption and full HIPAA compliance. Stay up-to-date when faxes are delivered or received with app notifications and email alerts. Go digital and avoid expensive fax machines and hefty maintenance costs.
  • ​Pay-per-fax​ ​or​ ​buy​ ​credits​ ​for​ ​extra​ ​discounts​ ​on​ ​outgoing​ ​faxes
  • Send​ ​free​ ​faxes​ ​by​ ​referring​ ​friends
  • ​Select​ ​a​ ​free​ ​fax​ ​number​ ​for​ ​7​ ​days​ ​(available​ ​in​ ​US​ ​only)

iFax Send Fax App & Receive Faxes incorporates beautiful and customizable cover page templates. Add a company logo and notes, and a signature. ready, simply tap to send the fax. Select from fax numbers in any country or area code and receive faxes from anywhere in the world. Easily access your faxes on any device, and get notifications sent via email to keep up to date. Try it now with a 7-day free trial.

Features and Highlights

Document​ ​scanner​ ​and​ ​Photo​ ​Integration​ ​​-​ ​Scan​ ​documents​ ​or​ ​attach​ ​photos​ ​from​ ​the photo​ ​library or​ ​using​ ​a camera,​ ​crop​ ​them​ ​and​ ​adjust​ ​their​ ​brightness,​ ​sharpness​ ​, etc.​ ​to​ ​optimize​ ​photos​ ​for​ ​faxing. Using​ ​these​ ​tools​ ​to​ ​brighten​ ​backgrounds​ ​and​ ​darken​ ​text/foregrounds.​ ​Email,​ ​documents,​ ​PDF​​, and other​ ​file​ ​formats​ ​are​ ​supported.

​​Receive​ ​Faxes​ ​​-​ ​Get​ ​your​ ​own​ ​iFax​ ​number​ ​for​ ​incoming​ ​faxes​ ​in​ ​the​ ​​United​ ​States​ ​(Local​ ​or Toll-Free),​ ​Canada,​ ​UK​ ​(Local​ ​or​ ​Toll-Free)​,​ ​Australia,​ ​Germany,​ ​Italy,​ ​Spain,​ ​Israel​ ​&​ ​Turkey.​ ​Start receiving​ ​incoming​ ​faxes​ ​directly​ ​to​ ​your​ ​device​ ​through​ ​email.

Send​ ​&​ ​Receive​ ​Faxes​ ​​-​ ​Easy​ ​online​ ​faxing​ ​procedure.​ ​No​ ​faxing​ ​machine​ ​required​ ​nor​ ​any​ ​account needed​ ​to​ ​transmit​ ​faxes.​ ​Upload​ ​files​ ​easily​ ​from​ ​your​ ​device,​ ​email​ ​, or​ ​cloud​ ​storage.​ ​You​ ​will​ ​need​ ​an inbound​ ​iFax​ ​number​ ​to​ ​receive​ ​incoming​ ​faxes.​ ​To​ ​send​ ​outgoing​ ​faxes,​ ​please​ ​check​ ​the details​ ​in​ ​the​ ​Price section​ ​of​ ​the​ ​app.

​​Cloud​ ​Integration​ ​-​ ​​Google​ ​Drive,​ ​Dropbox​ ​, and​ ​Box​ ​are​ ​fully​ ​integrated.​ ​Transfer​ ​documents​ ​online to​ ​include​ ​in​ ​your​ ​efax​ ​and​ ​easily​ ​sign​ ​or​ ​annotate​ ​your​ ​PDFs​ ​before​ ​sending.

Notifications​ ​&​ ​Fax​ ​confirmations​​ ​-​ ​Real-time​ ​messages​ ​sent​ ​to​ ​the​ ​app​ ​with​ ​fax​ ​notifications​ ​and status​ ​updates​ ​so​ ​you​ ​can​ ​keep​ ​track​ ​of​ ​your​ ​incoming​ ​and​ ​outgoing​ ​faxes.

​​Professional,​ ​customizable​ ​cover​ ​page​ ​template​ ​In-App​ -​ ​Receive,​ ​edit​ ​and​ ​sign​ ​faxes​ ​digitally. No​ ​printing​ ​required.​ ​You​ ​can​ ​insert​ ​your​ ​company​ ​logo,​ ​add​ ​a​ ​note​ ​, and​ ​your​ ​electronic​ ​signature​ ​on​ ​the cover​ ​page!

HIPAA​ ​Compliant -​ ​​All​ ​the​ ​guidelines​ ​from​ ​HIPAA​ ​are​ ​duly​ ​complied​ ​with.

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iFax June 25, 2023 1024 KB