Additional Information

The media player on macOS with new eye-candy fashion

Latest Version MPlayerX 1.1.4 Build 1920

Mac OS X

Updated June 25, 2023
Author Zongyao QU
Category Video Software
License Open Source
Language English
Download 141


MPlayerX is an open-source project under GPLv2, which aims to be the most powerful, beautiful, easy to use multimedia player on Mac OS X. By taking advantage of mplayer and ffmpeg-mt, MPlayerX for Mac is able to decode almost any format of files on your computer. And even FullHD contents, the playback goes smoothly. Catching up with the latest technology Apple has disclosed, Multi-Touch, the app will dance on your fingers, no mouse, no keyboard short-cuts. Inspired by QuickTime X, MPlayerX for macOS has the simply, black interface, and in-frame minimal controls. All of those helps users to focus on the contents, rather than the software itself.

⚠ Note: This product is not developed anymore and might not function properly.

Features and Highlights

All in one. One for all
Just drop anything to it, the tool will give you a clear and smooth playback. The app is armed by FFmpeg and MPlayer, which means it could handle any media format in the world without extra plug-ins or codec packages.

Dance on your fingers
Pinch, tap or swipe, the program provides you the easiest way to control the playback. Don't have to remember the keyboard shortcuts or move the cursor among the buttons, the app will follow your gestures.

Any subtitle you watch
The app will detect and convert the encoding method of the subtitle file automatically and seamlessly. Not only Latins but also Eastern Asian languages, Arabic, Hebrew are well handled too.

1-Click for Online Video
The tool seamlessly plays your favorite in youtube, Vimeo, and many others.

No play-list? Not really necessary
As long as the file names are numbered in any guessable pattern, the app could find the next episode in the same folder for you.

Enjoy your home theater system
Plug your SPDIF cable, MPlayer X will recognize it automatically and output the raw DTS/AC3 stream. No more extra settings.

Apple Remote support
Keep relaxing in your couch, Apple Remote controls your MPX. It also supports Remote Buddy and Sofa Control.

Note: Requires 64-bit processor.

Previous versions More »

1.1.4 1920 June 25, 2023 37.49 MB 1.1.3 1913 June 23, 2023 37.49 MB