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Best animation support, best magnifier and easiest image navigation!

Latest Version 123 Photo Viewer 2023 2.7.0

Windows 10/Windows 11

Updated June 24, 2023
Author Dreamoji
Category Imaging and Digital Photo
License Freeware
Language English
Download 225


123 Photo Viewer is a static and animated photo viewer app for Windows 11/Windows 10 that has managed to attract more than 1 million users with its wide array of useful tools and a regular cadence of updates. The app provides both home, school, and business users with up-to-date support for all modern photo formats. It is important to note that 123 Photo Viewer was built from the ground up to be distributed only by the Microsoft Store, and therefore cannot be experienced on older versions of Windows OS.

The user interface of 123 Photo Viewer is optimized for both desktop and touchscreen use. The main dashboard of the app features a photostream on the very bottom, which will include all the photos located in the same directory as the currently loaded photo, and a wide array of useful tools such as zoom, save (with convert feature for most popular photo formats) and delete.

Once installed, the app can become the default viewer of photo formats and can even open Photoshop’s PSD files and generate their thumbnails in Windows Explorer, which is a feature that can be very rarely found today from any competing image viewer app. There are no tools for customizing the app interface, and no access to any kind of advanced features such as photo editing or batch rename/convert.

123 Photo Viewer prides itself on several features that make working with photos easier than in many other similar apps. This includes integrated support for advanced playback of GIF, APNG, and WebP files with tools for stopping, resuming, adjusting the rate of playback, moving frame by frame (both forwards and backward), and exporting individual frames as standalone images.

The app features a powerful magnifier that is especially useful with vector images, a small selection of keyboard shortcuts, and even a useful slideshow tool. Since its very first version in 2014, 123 Photo Viewer has been updated more than 100 times, with many photo file formats being added as soon as they are presented to the public. For example, it was one of the first apps to integrate support for Apple's “.livp” and “BPG” formats on the Microsoft Store.

123 Photo Viewer can be downloaded exclusively only from Microsoft Store on Windows 11/10 desktop, laptop, and tablet PCs, by simply clicking on the blue “Get” icon on its official store page. The entire app weighs just over 50MB in size, making it a perfect lightweight photo viewer for home users who just want quick access to their digital images.

Previous versions More »

2023 2.7.0 June 24, 2023 65.69 MB 2022 12.22 June 22, 2023 65.69 MB 2022 11.6 June 21, 2023 65.69 MB