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How to uninstall Adobe Flash Player on your computer

Latest Version Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller

Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10

Updated June 24, 2023
Author Adobe Systems Inc
Category Cleaning and Tweaking
License Freeware
Language English
Download 99


Download and run the Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller to remove all versions of Adobe Flash Player from all web browsers on your machine. The Uninstaller tool is a useful utility for troubleshooting and for testing detection schemes. The Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller executes on both the 64-bit and 32-bit versions of the Windows operating systems.

How to use

1. Download the uninstaller for Flash Player

Uninstall Flash Player app for Windows PC executes on both the 64-bit and 32-bit versions of the Windows operating systems. Save the file in a location where you can find it easily after you restart your computer. For example, save it on your Windows desktop. Note: To uninstall Flash Player beta, use the corresponding Flash Player beta uninstaller available in Adobe Labs.

2. Exit all browsers and other programs that use Flash

The uninstaller does not work if any programs that use Flash are running on your computer. Look at the icons in the system tray for programs that run in the background. Examples include AOL Instant Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, and games that use Flash (any file with a name that ends in .swf).

3. Run the uninstaller

- Double-click the icon of the uninstaller that downloaded to your computer.
- Follow the prompts. Click Yes if you see the message "Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer?"
- Delete Flash Player files and folders.
- Choose Start > Run.
- Copy and paste the following and click OK. C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash
- Delete all the files in this folder.

4. Verify that uninstallation is complete

Restart your computer. Open your browser and check the status of the Flash Player.

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Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller June 24, 2023 1.4 MB