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View, install, and launch APK files on a Windows PC exactly like EXE files!

Latest Version APK Installer and Launcher

Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10/Windows XP64/Vista64/Windows 7 6...

Updated June 24, 2023
Author dihav
Category Cleaning and Tweaking
License Freeware
Language English
Download 69


APK Installer and Launcher is a simple app utility that allows users of Windows Vista/7/8/10 to easily install Android APK files to their smartphone or even start the app-emulation directly on your PC. Instead of manually installing apps via the command interface of Android SDK, this lightweight app enables you to handle your APK files just like they are the regular EXE files found on Windows. Simply navigate to them in Windows Explorer, and double click on them. The app can handle both wired (via USB cable) or wireless (via WiFi) connection to the Android smartphone, but the user has to activate the USB-debugging feature first to make sure this service is accessible.

Since it provides such a unique service, APK Installer and Launcher does not have its own primary user interface, and instead integrates itself into Windows OS and enables users to handle APK files from any other GUI file browser. If the presence of the phone is detected, double-click on the APK icon in Windows Explorer will automatically send that app to the phone. However, the most helpful feature is surfaced when the app cannot detect the presence of the phone. Double-click on the APK icon will then send the app to the local Android emulator, enabling you to use the mobile apps directly on the screen of your PC.

APK Installer and Launcher can be installed quickly thanks to its very small size. However, the installation procedure includes one unique step. The presence of Android SDK is REQUIRED for this app to work. To make sure this development package is present, the app will ask for its directory directly during the installation procedure.

APK Installer and Launcher is 100% FREE and can be used by users of all knowledge levels. Be aware that while the app can be used on all modern PCs running newer versions of Microsoft Windows OS, the use of onboard Android SKD emulator will require a bit more capable hardware. Users who want to find out all the coding solutions used within this app can purchase the source code on its official website.

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APK Installer and Launcher June 24, 2023 2.33 MB