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3D digital painting and sculpting software for PC

Latest Version Autodesk Mudbox 2025

Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10/Windows 11

Updated September 06, 2024
Author Autodesk Inc
Category Imaging and Digital Photo
License Trial
Language English
Download 166


Sculpt and paint highly detailed 3D geometry and textures. Autodesk Mudbox is a 3D digital sculpting and texture painting software gives you an intuitive, tactile toolset.

Digital sculpting tool
Create highly detailed 3D characters and environments using an intuitive set of digital tools based on real sculpting techniques.

Paint directly on 3D models
Paint directly on your 3D assets across multiple channels.

Advanced retopology tools
Create clean, production-quality meshes from scanned, imported, or sculpted data.

Dynamic tessellation
Add resolution to a mesh only in areas that need it with an artist-friendly, camera-based workflow.

Features and Highlights
  • For traditional artists with no previous 3D experience, tools that closely mimic the behavior of their real-world counterparts are quickly understood and easily adopted.
  • Work with tools such as brushes, stamps, and stencils to quickly sculpt and create lifelike textures.
  • Use the Layer editor to organize your work.
  • Maximize your workspace by hiding UI elements and using standard hotkeys to manipulate the camera.
  • Use multiple real-time cameras within a scene, including a true perspective and orthographic cameras.
  • Bookmark your camera positions.
  • Model using reference images: each camera has its own image plane.
  • Use Smart Focus to position the camera based on the cursor position and brush size.
  • Manipulate your camera with trackball-style controls.
  • Use the same keyboard shortcuts for Mudbox cameras as those that are used for cameras in Autodesk Maya software.
  • Apply one or more image maps to any object, independent of the other objects in the scene.
  • Use smooth shading mode to get a display more representative of the limit surface.
  • Interactively view multiple texture channels (including bump and reflection) at the same time.
  • Interactively view multiple maps and multiple materials in the scene.
  • Work in real-time with models that properly display advanced lighting (including HDRI-based lighting) and shadows.
  • Incorporate advanced display options into your presentation, including ambient occlusion, depth of field, and tone mapping.
  • Mirror or flip the detail stored in one or more layers.
  • Edit nondestructively: It delivers paintable masks.
  • Quickly duplicate, merge, flatten, and reorder layers.
  • Precisely blend layers using interactive multiplier sliders and layer masks.
  • Use layers to store libraries of morph targets.
  • Use intelligently designed default brushes or quickly tailor them for custom behavior and performance.
  • Choose from a number of base brush types, including
  • Sculpt brush—enables you to create complex forms with great control
  • Flatten brush—enables you to quickly create planes and wipe away detail
  • Wax brush—enables you to easily fill in areas
  • Accurately shape your brush tips with falloff curves and stamps. A sharp falloff curve will cut an accurate, sharp stroke into the geometry with no soft stroke profiles.
  • Sculpt both sides of topologically symmetrical models simultaneously—even when they are in an asymmetrical pose—with the powerful tangent space mirroring functionality.
  • Use curves as guides for brush strokes.
  • Use image stamps to quickly brush (in 3D) a detailed texture directly into your mesh.
  • Quickly add high-quality detail through mesh displacement. Use 8-, 16-, or 32-bit images to displace your mesh; Mudbox even supports displacement using multiple maps at one time.
  • Bake high-quality normal and displacement maps between multiple arbitrary meshes. Detail can be baked into 8-, 16-, and 32-bit maps.
  • Generate smooth, high-quality maps using extraction options designed to address issues related to poly faceting by extracting between the limit surfaces of the given meshes.
  • Displace your meshes using multiple floating-point maps.
  • Bake normal maps that are compatible with Autodesk Maya and Autodesk 3ds Max software.
  • Work in real-time even on 3D models that are fully subdivided into tens of millions of high-quality polygons.
  • Manipulate the camera using conventional camera controls—to maximize your workspace and reduce “back and forth” workflows.
  • Streamline your workflow through tools such as the Hover Pick functionality and hotkeys.
  • Use asymmetrical mirroring to streamline the process of working on posed or asymmetrical models.
  • Work on one mesh in the context of others: It supports multiple meshes within the scene.
  • Use the built-in image browser—with full support for 8-, 16-, and 32-bit images—to view reference images and quickly assign them to stamps, stencils, or camera image planes.
  • Scene Import OBJ
  • Scene Export OBJ
  • Texture Import BMP, EXR, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIF
  • Bitmap Output BMP, EXR, JPEG, PNG, TIF.
  • Some formats are applicable to certain renderers only.

Note: 30 days trial version.

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2025 September 06, 2024 2022 June 25, 2023 2 GB