Additional Information

Easily record audio input and save it using an MP3 or WAV format!

Latest Version Moo0 Voice Recorder 1.49

Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10

Updated June 25, 2023
Author Moo0
Category MP3 and Audio
License Freeware
Language English
Download 86


Moo0 Audio Recorder is a very simple sound recorder. It is very easy to use, and you can start recording "PC Audio" / "PC Audio and Voice" / "Only Voice" just by one-click. It supports MP3 and Wave file formats to save the files.

Features and Highlights
  • Very useful for practicing singing.
  • Want better sound recording quality? - "Setting" -> "MP3 Recording Quality".
  • Need record scheduling? - "Setting" -> "Show (Start Timer/End Timer/Max Duration) Panel".
  • Supported the latest build of Windows 10
  • Supported the usage on 4K monitors.
  • Supported the usage on 8K monitors in partial.
  • To support these monitors, the installer was improved as well.
  • Supported 23 additional languages for the software

Equipped many counter-measures against "Sound Driver Errors". This will try to prevent sudden errors, such that the recording speed suddenly goes wrong or so, because of their malfunctions. If this version still can't fix the problems, it usually can be fixed very easily only by re-installing the latest sound driver for your motherboard. Download Moo0 Audio Recorder today!

It now prevents the "skip" of the recorded audio when the PC is fully loaded or CPU ability is low. On the other hand, the graphical "graph display" of the recorded audio will be delayed from this version when the CPU is busy.

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Moo0 Voice Recorder 1.49 June 25, 2023 4.06 MB