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The faster and smarter way to add stunning titles to your video projects!

Latest Version NewBlueFX Titler Pro 7

Windows 7/Windows 7 64/Windows 8/Windows 8 64/Windows 10/Windows 10 64

Updated June 25, 2023
Author New Blue, Inc.
Category Video Software
License Freeware
Language English
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NewBlueFX Titler Pro is a highly advanced application for fast, streamlined and reliable creation of subtitles. Aimed to provide advanced tools and services to seasoned video editors and to vastly surpass the possibilities found in common built-in titling applications, NewBlueFX Titler Pro also prides itself on developing UI and tool solutions that are novice-friendly and promote fast drag&drop operation and easy mastering of advanced features.
To provide a stable base for developing any type of titling project, NewBlueFX Titler Pro features a large built-in library of animated templates (over 100 of them), easy tools for text customization (font, size, color) and more features that will help you tune your stunning text style in just seconds. For more advanced projects that feature large amounts of titles, this app can help organize them all with the built-in multi-title management system that can even apply changes to several selected titles or provide detailed adjustments for a single selected title.
Since no project is the same, NewBlueFX Titler app allows users to maximize their efficiency with tear-away panels that can be adjusted on-screen into their most optimal placement. Editing is streamlined with the addition of advanced timeline for precise object control, presence of various effects for editing, scaling, positioning, layout and other operations, animation presents, advanced range and lasso select tool, support for 2D and 3D vector text, open VX compatibility, and much more.

Import/export features of Titler Professional aim to please even most seasoned professionals. The app can import not only widely used video and image formats, but also vector files, PSD files and even After Effect projects. The app remembers the last saved and open locations and can export projects together with their assets.

In addition to four premium licenses (basic, elite, ultimate and TotaFX), Titler Pro can also be tested under (a watermarked) FREE trial license.

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NewBlueFX Titler Pro 7 June 25, 2023 662 MB