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Improve your typing speed with free Typing Master tool for PC!

Version Typing Master 11.0.1

Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10/Windows 11

Updated January 26, 2024
Author Typing Master Inc.
Category Desktop Enhancements
License Trial
Language English
Download 191


Typing Master is a complete free typing tutor for Windows PC! Typing Master is a free touch typing course that adapts to your unique needs. It provides over 10 hours of customized exercises to guide you step by step to professional keyboarding. As a result, your typing speed is likely to double - or even triple - and you will save hours and hours of valuable working time. TypingMaster for Desktop is a complete touch typing program with a real-time analysis widget. It analyses your typing skills and creates tailored exercises. Get a one-week free typing course or even more.

Training is adjusted to your personal progress every step of the way. Free TypingMaster for Windows PC pinpoints your Weak spots and eliminates them with personalized exercises. Thanks to this dynamic approach your new skill is ready for action after 3 to 5 hours of training.

The app includes a new Windows widget called Typing Meter. It measures and analyzes your typing habits in the background while you work. It gathers basic typing statistics for you to view, and also detects those keys and words that are problematic for you.

When recurring problems are detected, Typing Meter suggests a quick training session with tailor-made exercises to hone those problem areas. Over a few weeks, you'll eliminate those pain points that slow you down - what an easy way to perfect your typing skills!

What`s new in version 11 (2023)

TypingMaster 11 is a touch typing tutor that helps users improve their typing speed and accuracy. The program provides over 10 hours of customized exercises that are tailored to meet the user's specific needs. As a result of using TypingMaster 2023, users are likely to double or even triple their typing speed, saving them valuable working time.

The training is personalized to the user's progress and identifies weak spots that require improvement. Through personalized exercises, TypingMaster pinpoints these weak spots and helps users improve their typing skills in as little as 3 to 5 hours. Users can download a FREE 1-week trial of the program that includes all features.

TypingMaster's unique widget, TypingMeter, allows users to track and analyze their keyboarding skills as they work on their PC. With this widget, users can continue to improve their typing skills long after they've completed the touch-type lessons. TypingMeter records keystrokes, analyzes writing patterns, and identifies the keys and words that cause difficulties. It then suggests lessons focused on these areas to help users improve their skills.

Users can measure their typing speed and accuracy with advanced typing skill tests and print out diplomas and certificates. The premium version of TypingMaster 11 allows users to add custom texts and choose test times ranging from 1-30 minutes.

TypingMaster also offers fun typing games to help users improve their skills. The app detects problematic fingers or keys that require extra practice and creates tailor-made exercises to help users improve.

The program is available in multiple languages and supports Qwerty, Qwertz, and Azerty keyboards. Advanced TypingMeter statistics allow users to easily track their progress on a daily and weekly basis. The program suggests quick training sessions to address recurring problems and helps users eliminate pain points that slow them down.

TypingMaster offers a free 1-week trial of the program that includes all features. After the trial period, premium features will be limited. The program also offers free charity licenses for developing nations through the Every Child Learns to Type Program.

For teachers and centralized management, TypingMaster's Ultimate Edition offers advanced tools and synchronization of student progress reports with the teacher's device. The program offers a variety of exercises and progress statistics to keep students engaged and motivated.

Features and Highlights

Visual Training
The color-coded on-screen keyboard helps you to quickly learn the key placements.

Step-by-Step Approach
Each lesson introduces a couple of new keys and provides step-by-step drills from key drills all the way to fluent typing.

Customized Review
While training TypingMaster detects those problem areas that need extra practice and creates additional tailor-made exercises for them.

Free Typing Skill Tests
You can measure your current typing speed and accuracy with advanced typing skill tests and print out a diploma.

Typing Games
Play fun typing games to see how far your typing skills will take you.

Typing Analysis Widget
Analyze your typing while working and train weaknesses with customized exercises.

How Typing Meter Works

Real-Time Measurement
Typing Meter widget measures your typing on the background while you work - it gathers statistics and analyzes your habits.
Problem Analysis
Based on the statistics Typing Meter detects your recurring problem areas and prioritizes them for training.

Training Suggestion
Whenever Typing Meter for PC has detected new recurring problems it suggests a quick training session.

Train Difficult Keys
First, you can practice those letters and capitals that have proven difficult for you.

Train Difficult Words
Then you get to hone the words that seem to cause problems time after time.

Typing Statistics
You can easily follow how much you have typed and how your typing speed progresses on a daily and weekly basis.

Why learn touch-typing?

In today's world, most people use computers not only for work but also for personal use. To be an efficient typist, it is important to not have to think about finger placement or the location of letters on the keyboard. Everyone has to learn how to type at some point, so why not learn the skill properly from the start? Knowing the correct touch-typing technique can benefit everyone, making you a faster and more accurate worker. Additionally, proper touch-typing technique and posture can help prevent discomfort and ergonomic injuries.

How to practice touch-typing with all fingers?

Touch-typing is learned finger by finger, with each finger having its own set of keys. Most keyboarding programs introduce a new key and have the user practice it on its own and in small words. As the user progresses, the exercises move on to longer words, sentences, and text drills. Consistent practice and repetition will lead to improvement and mastery of the skill.

What is the best course for learning to type faster?

TypingMaster 11 is a comprehensive typing tutor that can help improve typing skills for both beginners and professionals. It offers nine different courses to adapt to changing skill levels, including a complete touch typing course that teaches the technique from the basics and advances step-by-step through examples, word drills, and games. The Speed Building course is designed to improve typing speed once the basics are learned, and is also suitable for experienced typists looking to maintain their skills. Additionally, there are courses to practice typing numbers, special characters, and the numeric keypad.

Note: 7 days trial version.

Previous versions More »

11.0.1 January 26, 2024 10.8 MB 11.0 June 25, 2023 10.4 MB 10.1 June 23, 2023 10.4 MB